The Ripped Body Podcast
The fitness industry profits from keeping you confused. But we at Ripped Body have stayed in business for over a decade by doing one thing — consistently delivering our clients results. You’ll find no gimmicks, no shortcuts, just the 80-20 of what busy guys like you need to achieve long-term dramatic physique transformation.
75 episodes
S4E22: Danny Lennon on Spotting Misrepresentations in Nutrition Research
Today, I’m speaking with Danny Lennon.Danny is the founder of Sigma Nutrition. He is the long-time host of the popular podcast Sigma Nutrition Radio, and a member of the Advisory ...
Season 4
Episode 22

S4E21: Eric Trexler on the Metabolic Changes When Dieting
Today, I’m speaking with Eric Trexler. Eric has a PhD, and is a pro bodybuilder, coach, co-owner of the MASS Research Review, and a metabolism researcher at Duke Unive...
Season 4
Episode 21

S4E20: Sohee Carpenter's Story and How to Spot Loved Ones Struggling With Disordered Eating
Today I’m speaking with Sohee Carpenter.I first met Sohee back in 2012, and at the time, she was a Stanford student studying human biology. Then she completed a master’s in psychology and is now finishing up her Ph.D. in sports science u...
Season 4
Episode 20

S4E19: Greg Nuckols’s Backstory and Whether Kids Should Lift
Today I'm speaking with Greg Nuckols, the co-founder of Mass Research Review, Stronger by Science, and MacroFac...
Season 4
Episode 19

S418: Eric Helms's Story
Today I'm speaking with Eric Helms, one of my co-authors of The Muscle and Strength Pyramids, and one of the brightest minds in the fitness industry. Eric is a Research Fellow at the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand...

S4E17: From Death’s Door to Bodybuilding Coach | Steve Hall’s Story
This season on the Ripped Body podcast, I’ve been speaking with readers who find themselves stuck, helping troubleshoot their progress and break through plateaus. For the next part of season 4, I’ll be sitting down with some of my f...
Season 4
Episode 17

S4E16: Reaching a 1,000 Pound Lifting Total | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Hemang, who is a 50-year-old father of two who works in finance, and has a work-from-home arrangement. He does the carpool drop-off most days, is co-president of his son’s school PTA, and is a Scout volunteer.He...
Season 4
Episode 16

S4E15: Finding Motivation After Losing 50 Pounds | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Gary, a 59-year-old consultant living in Scotland.Gary has been self-described skinny-fat all of his life. He lived in the United States for 15 years, where he gained a little too much weight. In the...
Season 4
Episode 15

S4E14: Are There Bulking vs. Cutting Programs? | Q&A Friday
Welcome to our weekly Q&A series, where Ripped Body coaches Andy and Matt answer your questions.In this episode, we're answering the following questions:1. "Can I eat as often as I want during the feeding windo...

S4E13: Is Tyler’s Goal of 230 pounds at 10% Body Fat Realistic? | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Tyler (@tyler.lavasseur), a 31-year-old minister living in Jackson, Florida, who has just become a dad.Tyler started training when he was 21. He was fed u...
Season 4
Episode 13

S4E12: How Much Volume Do I Need To Maintain My Physique? | Q&A Friday
Welcome to our weekly Q&A series, where Ripped Body coaches Andy and Matt answer your questions.In this episode, we're answering the following questions:1. "How much training volume is needed to maintain your p...
Season 4
Episode 12

S4E11: I Lost 25 Pounds, Now What? | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Donald, who is a 59-year-old, former accountant living in Florida.He’s been a runner all of his life, but only started lifting consistently at the start of this year.He’s dropped 25 lbs in the last six mon...
Season 4
Episode 11

S4E10: Who Would You Throw On the Fire? | Q&A Friday
Welcome to our weekly Q&A series, where Ripped Body coaches Andy and Matt answer your questions.In this episode, we're answering the following questions:1. "Who in the fitness industry would you like to throw o...
Season 4
Episode 10

S4E09: Program Hopping Purgatory | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Chris, who is a semi-retired food industry exec living in Arkansas.Chris has been dieting and training in some form for the last 30 years. He said he can remember being body shamed in 5th and 6th grade for being ...
Season 4
Episode 9

S4E08: Should We Tackle Fat Loss in Phases? | Q&A Friday
Welcome to our weekly Q&A series, where Ripped Body coaches Andy and Matt answer your questions.In this episode, we're answering the following questions:1. "Is it necessary to go through fat loss in phases? I h...
Season 4
Episode 8

S4E07: "My Girlfriend is Mystified by My Relationship With Alcohol" | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today I’m speaking with Jonathan, a 57-year-old entrepreneur whose main business is providing insurance for companies operating in high-risk markets, mainly in the security, mining, and oil & gas sectors. He’s a well-bu...
Season 4
Episode 7

S4E06: How Can We Train Around Injuries? | Q&A Friday
Welcome to our weekly Q&A series, where Ripped Body coaches Andy and Matt answer your questions.In this episode, we're answering the following questions:1. "Do you think body composition goals can be reached wh...
Season 4
Episode 6

S4E05: Helping Mark Reveal His Six-pack at 49 | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Mark, who is a 49-year-old father of two daughters, working a high-stress job with the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico.A few years ago, Mark lost 60 lbs, but as he didn’t strength train, he felt a little skinny. ...
Season 4
Episode 5

S4E04: Why Has My Initial Weight Loss Stalled? | Q&A Friday
Welcome to our weekly Q&A series, where Ripped Body coaches Andy and Matt answer your questions. In this episode, we're answering the following questions:1. “I’m four weeks into a cut. I lost 6 pounds in my fir...
Season 4
Episode 4

S4E03: Troubleshooting Nick's Fat Loss Plateau | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Cybersecurity expert Nick, who specializes in offensive hacking.Nick is not a tall guy, and he used to weigh close to 300 pounds. One day, he reached a breaking point and decided to do something about it, and he ...
Season 4
Episode 3

S4E02: Helping Stephen Overcome His Fear of Weight Gain | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I’m speaking with Stephen, who is a Chief Administration Officer for a major non-profit in the US.Stephen used to be overweight. He got into cycling because he wanted to do something healthy with his kids, and this turned into a p...
Season 4
Episode 2

S4E01: Troubleshooting Greg's Bulk | Troubleshooting Tuesday
Today, I had a fantastic conversation with Greg, who is a comedy writer and actor living in LA.As you’ll hear, Greg is at a bit of a loss for motivation, after struggling to bulk successfully in the past, and he’s wondering what he shoul...
Season 4
Episode 1

S03E20: Ben Carpenter Q&A
Today’s guest is Ben Carpenter. I’ve invited him back on the show to answer some reader questions that we didn’t get a chance to cover on the previous episode.We cover:Don’t people just need more willpower?Can fruit ...
Season 3
Episode 20

S03E19: Ben Carpenter on Everything Fat Loss
Today’s guest is Ben Carpenter.Ben is a personal trainer who makes the best videos debunking nutrition myths that I’ve seen. He has a heart of gold, and I feel honored to be able to call him a friend.Ben has just released his firs...
Season 3
Episode 18